Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite…

The night I met my husband was like that of a cliché story… I was not looking for love, in fact I was adamant I did not want to find love, and I was happiest and better off on my own. Until our eyes met! All it took was one glance from across the crowded bar where our souls collided and connected…finding “home” in one another.

I tried to stay true to my “man-ban” plan, but God had other plans in place for me, and those plans were for my soulmate and I to unite, and I thank God every single day that our paths collided that evening! We kept catching each others eye, and I continued to try to avoid him, but I had to walk past him eventually to get to the bar to by a drink. He stopped me in my tracks and offered to buy me a drink, to which I politely said, “No thanks”. He persisted…and after the third offer, I accepted. To his surprise I asked for a whisky, which he gave me…followed by a bottle of Bollinger chaser!

He had a charismatic happy-go-lucky magic about him. I was captivated, and taken by his charm. It wasn't just any sort of charm though… this man drew me in like I had never experienced, despite me trying to be the ice-queen and protect my heart. My soul knew… he was “the one” for me, and I for him. It was love at first sight, and I had to drop my guard and trust in the unknown.

That night, I departed in a swift Cinderella style exit… leaving the bar without saying goodbye, although we had shared a kiss and I had given him my phone number. I had no expectations wether or not we would ever meet again, but my heart had been ignited with a love I had never felt before, and my soul had found comfort in discovering its eternity.

The next morning I received a text, with a beautiful message from the man that was made for me. For some time we continued to chat over the phone and through text messages, getting to know one another. He would ask me to meet with him, but my past self was still there trying to protect me from old wounds and past pains.

I was torn between knowing in my heart and soul that he was The One, while battling with my old demons of fear and mistrust. Until I said “yes” and agreed to meet him for our first date…


The First Date…