What are the Roadblocks to Self-Worth?

Is the journey to worthy an easy one? No, it’s not. Is it worth it? OH MY HEART…YES, IT IS!

Throughout my lifetime I have experienced waves of adversity that have slowly and discreetly corroded my self-worth. These have come in many different forms; watching my parents have a dysfunctional relationship followed by a marriage breakdown, being bullied at school, surrounding myself with toxic people and unhealthy friendships. The pivotal moment in time of ‘losing myself’ was when my voyage brought an unexpected tsunami in the shape of an abusive relationship. This relationship completely eroded my sense of self-worth and stripped me bare to feel like an empty shell floating aimlessly in a lonely sea.

There doesn't need to be a major trauma for our self-worth to be negatively impacted. Little moments in time can sneak up on us like stealthy self-worth-stealing ninjas, who’s entire mission is to bring you down. Are you currently comparing yourself to others? Is that niggling little ‘Negative Nancy’ inner critic voice in your head getting louder? Are you constantly finding yourself saying, “I’m sorry” for no real reason? Are you truly listening to your intuition?


Feminine. Fierce. Fabulous... Ferrari!


Confidence comes from within